Provide Loved Ones with a Master Contact Directory

Master Contact Directory

Technology has made it easier to look up an old friend, but in an emergency it’s best to have a directory of contacts that can be accessed by loved ones.

I remember the days when I memorized all the phones numbers of close friends and family. For a backup (and for those numbers I needed occasionally), I recorded contact information and addresses in an address book. Or I had to use a phone book. Remember when emails didn’t exist, phone numbers and addresses needed to be looked up in those big printed directories that arrived on your doorstep every year?

Fast forward a few years and now the contact information for my friends and family is stored in my phone, email and social media accounts, locked behind a password and security code.

In an emergency, how would my family know who to contact and how to reach them? With a master contact directory.

What to Include

Your directory should include phone numbers and email addresses of family, friends, employer contacts, health care providers, and professional advisors. Addresses are helpful too. Also include people who are involved in your home, child and pet care, such as your preferred babysitter, utility providers, veterinarian and daycare provider. This information will be valuable to your loved ones in an emergency; reducing or eliminating the unnecessary and time consuming task of trying to determine who to contact and how to reach them.

A My Life & Wishes account makes creating this digital directory easy to complete, keep updated, and share with those you trust and who may need it. It’s also a handy resource for you, making the information available at your fingertips whenever you need it. Think about how much easier it will be to send those important life event invitations out when all your contacts are recorded and kept up-to-date in your My Life & Wishes account.