

Amazon Best Seller "Click Here When I Die"  - get your copy!

Inspired by personal experience, co-founder Jon Braddock has created Click Here When I Die, an irreverent guide to modern day Death Etiquette®.  This book takes  you through all you need to consider to ensure things are significantly easier for your loved ones!

Click Here to Purchase>>

"Life Planning Organizer"  - get your copy!

Sometimes life changes suddenly, and it's at these times that we may find ourselves at a loss when searching for needed documents and information!  The My Life and Wishes Life Planning Organizer, created by  co-founder Jon Braddock, was designed to help you easily record and store the critical information your loved ones will need.

Click Here to Purchase>>


checklist household accounts





Keeping track of all our accounts in todays digital world can be challenging.  With so many websites and login credentials, keeping track of them all is nearly impossible!  This checklist list will help you organize all your accounts.  Making it easier for you today and easier for your loved ones, when they will need this most.     Click Here to Download>>

checklist death of a spouse





Dealing with grief after the loss of a loved one is a personal thing.  And everyone deals with it in a different way.  And in addition to the grief, there is usually a mountain of decisions to make and tasks to accomplish.  This guide will help you stay on track and organized during this difficult time.    Click here to download>>  

checklist pet owners






Pre-planning could be lifesaving for our beloved pets.  As with any planning, communication is key, so use this checklist as a guide to help you consider the items and information that should be gathered and shared when appointing a caregiver for these important members of our families!     Click here to download>>  

checklist get to know your family





Are there things you wished you'd known about your parents?  What about Grandparents or other family members?  This questionnaire will guide you in asking the questions that you want to know.  Or, use it as a game to test your knowledge!    Download it here>>  

checklist tax and legal documents





One of the most important end-of-life planning tools is your voice.   Creating legal documents is a way to ensure your voice is heard and your wishes are carried out.  This checklist describes the types of documents you should consider when creating your end-of-life plan.     Click here to download>>  

checklist for social media





In today's digital world, we have so many services available to us.  It makes organizing and keeping track of them extremely difficult!  This checklist will help you think through what social media and entertainment accounts you have.                                     Click here to download>>